It’s Beginning to Rain: Join Us in Prayer
Join our Intercessory Prayer Group for the state of our nation now through November 5!

Welcome to FaithWalk TV

“FaithWalk” brings the Word of God and the lens of spiritual interpretation into understanding today’s global headlines—focusing on topics that are vital, relevant and spiritually essential to salvation in the challenging times in which we live. Our mission through television is to prepare hearts, equip the Body of Christ, and win souls.Every episode is available online free of charge. Please use these for your own evangelistic outreach, Bible study groups or ideas for your own sermons.




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A Prophetic Worldview

FaithWalk programs place the darkening world events in the light of God’s word. There is an emphasis on understanding the world up against prophecy with a particular emphasis on an overlooked benchmark, namely the prophecy about Assyria, Israel and Egypt found in Isaiah 19:23-25.

The Great Commission

The Susek Evangelistic Association (SEA) is convinced that the Great Commission is central to God’s purpose. Our media program titled FaithWalk strives to advance the pure and simple Gospel of Jesus Christ in the setting of the realities faced in everyday life.

Partner with Us

We have every evidence that God is raising up this ministry for strengthening the Body of Christ to do the work of evangelism. You will be a direct answer to prayer if you are led of God to stand with us in prayer and financial support. We are committed to using your gift exclusively for tax exempt purposes for the furtherance of the gospel of Jesus Christ.